Vision & Mission



To be established as a partner of global business community through our own potentials which improve the standard of living to ensure the appropriate environment, society and customer’s satisfaction.



  • To play a significant role for building a prosperous country by participating in different social development activities.
  • To contribute continuously in easing the acute housing problem in Dhaka and other cities of the country for all classes of citizens.
  • To contribute continuously in easing the acute housing problem in Dhaka and other cities of the country for all classes of citizens.
  • To contribute widely on Export – Import business in The country.
  • To establish aggrabease industry within 2015.
  • To establish an unique international tourism spot.
  • To create employment opportunity for promising and educated youths.
  • To work as a confidence – building institution.
  • To bring people’s confidence establishing the foundation of confidence of trade commerce avoiding interest with fair means.
  • Creating employment by extending programs in different sectors for poverty eradication.
  • To make our worldly life beautiful and dynamic with earning fair means by lucrative investment.

Our Recent Projects

এক টুকরো জমি, আর ছোট একটা মাথা গোঁজার ঠাই প্রতিটি মানুষের এটা শুধু স্বপ্ন নয়, মৌলিক চাহিদা। মানুষ বাড়ছে, সেই সাথে প্রতিদিনই বাড়ছে আবাসন সংকট। মাথা গোঁজার ঠাই খুজতে মানুষ আজ দিশেহারা।


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